Monday, January 28, 2013

Goal Making Monday

Monday...again...already.  I dread Mondays like the plage and I really have no idea's inevitable and once it's over we're one day closer to Friday.  Still, Mondays are tough.  However, with Monday comes the idea of a fresh week where we can decide what it is we want to accomplish in the next five days and bust our hineys to do just that.  Monday brings a sense of newness.  Therefore, I have dubbed Mondays as "Goal Making Monday".  Each Monday I'm gonna make three goals I want to accomplish by Friday.  Sounds like I'm motivated doesn't it?  Don't get too excited.  I'm pretty sure it's just a way to make Friday get here quicker.  Let's begin shall we?
1.  Finish the book I am reading. 
     I have been working on a book for the last month and a half.  It's a good book.  I enjoy reading.  I haven't finished it yet and have no real excuse other than I haven't been in the mood.  This week I want to finish it for no other reason than I'm tired of looking at the thing.  It follows me from room to room, table to table and there it sits until I decide to read and take it with me only to get distracted with something else.  So...goal number one is to finish the thing this week.
2.  Wrap up three projects at work. 
     I am constantly working on projects.  It's a neverending sea of spreadsheets and numbers.  I have three right now that are looming on the horizon.  They're not due yet and I don't want to go over the deadline.  I'm trying to stay on top of it in 2013.  In order to do that I need to wrap up January in January.
3.  Be more positive and laid back in my life.
     I have been called a pessimist.  I disagree.  I am a realist.  I tend to look on the not so bright side of things because I don't want to get all excited about something only for it to end in a not so awesome way.  I spend my time in a perpetual state of worry and I'm always on guard.  That does not give me the right to snap at everyone I come into contact with just because I think they should already know the answer to what they are asking or because I don't want to help them find or do this or do that.  It's not fair and it makes me not even like myself.  (Oh, you don't ever get grouchy and hateful?  You don't ever get uptight and lash out at those you love?  Well, aren't you just the perfect specimen of God's creation.  You should probably go have a cupcake and educate others on the ways of the world.)  I am a human...a VERY imperfect human.  My husband pays for this more than any other person I know and I feel sorry for him sometimes.  There's no reason for me to answer every question or reply to every remark with some hateful growl all because I'm not feeling like rainbows and butterflies.  It's not his fault...period.  I don't want my son to grow up being as uptight and worried as me.  To give him an example then I have to be one.  I have to learn how to let things go and just enjoy the moment.  I am always thinking about what comes next...what tomorrow is going to bring.  The reality is that I don't know what it's gonna bring and it's none of my business anyway.  Sure, I make plans...that's the only way you can create a little structure...but life doesn't stop because plans change.  All I have is the one moment I am living in and I have to enjoy it or let it pass in a fit of worry...think I'll start enjoying it.  This is more of a life goal but you gotta start somewhere and today seems like a good day to do it.
So there you have it, my three goals for the week.  What goals are you gonna set today? 
OH...before I close this life altering piece of work I'll let you in on a revelation of sorts I had on Saturday morning!  Every Saturday morning my Sole Sisters and I get together for a run.  We pound out a little over a 5K and it's always awesome and I look forward to it every week.  We had a small ice storm Friday.  Nothing horrible but enough to make me stay in all day and night.  But that was Friday.  We run on Saturdays.  Saturday was cold but not horrible and my car was no longer in igloo state and because we are the beasts we are we didn't cancel our run.  I packed up Carl (my MP3 player) and my hood and gloves.  I put on my cold gear under my clothes.  I was ready.  Until I wasn't.  I got to the spot, ate my little pre run protein thing, put on my hood, put my earbuds in and we started walking across the parking lot.  I learned really quick that I am not a penguin.  As much as I love those little flightless creatures, as much as I feel like I relate to them on some wierd (probably creepy) level, I am not one of them.  It's a hard thing for this girl to digest but I have accepted the cold hard fact.  It was a slow 3.43 miles...2 of those were walked while avoiding the black ice, the rest ended up being a "trail run" where we ran along the edge of the pavement.  It was awesome and I loved every second of it...but I'm hoping there is no ice this Saturday so I can pound it out.  Some days you got it and some days black ice makes you slow.  It happens.  Happy Monday :)

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